Success is easy to accept after the fact. You have the accolades and adoration of success to keep you warm. But what happens when we fail? How do we deal with those emotions? Why am I not good enough? Why can’t I win? There can be many answers to that but understanding that disappointment in oneself or your team is challenging. Overcoming disappointment can be a hard process, but there are several strategies that can help:
1.) Acknowledge your feelings:
It’s important to recognize and accept your feelings of disappointment. Allow yourself to experience and process these emotions rather than suppressing them. Hiding them in a box in the back of your head only delays the issue.
2.) Practice self-compassion:
Be kind to yourself and give grace. Â Remember that it’s natural to feel disappointed at times, and be gentle with yourself as you navigate through these emotions.
3.) Identify the source:
Was it the not “winning” or was it something else? Pinpoint that issue is the first step to remedying it.
4.) Focus on what you can control:
The world is a wild place. You literally cannot control ANYTHING outside of yourself. Focus on what you can impact and become stronger at.
5.) Seek support:
Fellowship and friendship groups of like minded people will only benefit and support you on your journey. Surround yourself with people who lift you up.
6.) Practice gratitude:
Find positives in the sea of negative thoughts. Focusing on the good doesn’t mitigate the disappointment but it does help refocus your efforts.
7.) Learn from the experience:
Reflect on what you can learn from the disappointment. Consider how you might approach similar situations differently in the future or what insights you’ve gained about yourself in the process.
8.) Engage in self-care:
Take care of your physical and emotional well-being by doing things that help you relax and recharge. This might include exercise, meditation, spending time in nature, or pursuing hobbies that bring you joy.
9.) Set new goals:
As they say, get back on the horse! Your next door opens when you decide to shut the previous one. I love to use vision boards to organize my thoughts and goals.
10.) Give yourself time:
Overcoming disappointment is a process that takes time. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself the space to heal and move forward at your own pace.
Disappointment is common. What isn’t common is how we react to it. Try a few of these steps and reassess after. You are not defined by your disappointment but your character is defined by how you overcome it. Down but Not Out: