Eating Right for You and Your Goals

5 easy tips to follow to find what works best for you

After almost 20 years working as a nutritionist, I learned that every single person is unique.  I cannot eat the same as my wife and my wife can’t eat the same as her sister.  We all have different needs and goals so, if we want to get in depth, we have to do so on an individual level.  But, there are certain guidelines that everyone can follow that will allow them to figure out what works best for you! 

5.) Know Whats going in: Understanding the amount of calories you are eating is incredibly important to your goals.  Undereating or overeating can cause us to move further from our goals.  Don’t worry about being perfect but be close.

4.) Remove Processed Foods/Sugar:  This is tougher than you think.  Most of these foods are made to make you want more.  The smell, the taste, and how little they fill you up is how they get you addicted.  Limit these as much as possible

3.) Balance: In meals mainly but in life as well.  Balancing meals with all aspects of nutrition will keep your blood sugar steady and satiate hunger.  Balance in life means its ok to have some pizza or birthday cake.  Just get back to your journey the next meal. 

2.) Have a Target:  Understanding how much we should eat for our goal is incredibly important as well.  Most people under eat or over restrict.  That leads to knowing how much you should eat for your goal.  Message me for that information for you to calculate easily

1.) Sustainability: If you cannot see yourself doing something for more than X, is it worth it.  That’s not a lifestyle change.  That’s a fad.  Learning how to eat for the long term leads to HEALTH in the long term.  Short cuts get you a first-class ticket on the diet rollercoaster.

This isn’t about anyone else but you.  Change happens when it becomes to uncomfortable to stay the same.  Start with creating a goal you can invest the most precious resource in the world into.  Your time.