Savory Sides

Bacon Cooked Brussel Sprouts

              One of the funniest things happens in initial meetings with clients.  We get to foods that they will not eat and the first one 99% of the time is Brussel Sprouts.  Nope, never will eat them, never will touch them.  “Have you had them before?” “Nope” and so begins the battle of the BS.  Brussel Sprouts that is.  Here is a quick and easy recipe that can make Brussel Sprouts taste great and accompany any protein to round out a meal! 


  1. Bacon (2 – 4 slices depending on size and calorie level)
  2. 1 bag Brussel Sprouts
  3. Salt and Pepper to taste
  4. Oven and oven pan with Aluminum Foil
  5. Frying Pan
  6. Pam Olive Oil Spray


  1. Spray frying pan and place on stove.  Turn the heat to high
  2. Place 2 – 4 slices of bacon in a pan.  Cook till brown, not stiff but not floppy either
  3. In the meantime, cut the bag of brussel sprouts in 1/3’s
  4. Once you remove the bacon and pat it dry, place the sliced brussel sprouts in the pan for cooking.
  5. Place the bacon into small slices and then place on top of the brussel sprouts for continued cooking
  6. After 10 min of pan frying, turn on the oven to broil
  7. Take the bacon/brussel sprout mixture and spread it into the baking pan.
  8. Place the pan in the oven, slightly cracked open for 3 – 5 minutes or until browned
  9. Once that time is up, pull it out and place in a serving bowl, sprinkle with salt and pepper and toss before serving. 
  10.  Eat and enjoy the easiest side you will ever make.  Never say you don’t like Brussel Sprouts again 😊

½ cup is a serving

115 calories, 7g carbs, 3g fiber, 3g Protein, 8g Fat